Unnamed Resolution on holding the 1972 Winter Olympic Games in Banff National Park

WHEREAS, Banff National Park is the oldest and best known of the entire Canadian National Parks System; and

WHEREAS, Canada and the United States are looked upon as leaders in the world movement to preserve natural areas in National Parks; and

WHEREAS, the holding of the 1972 Winter Olympic Games in Banff National Park is clearly contrary to enlightened principles of National Parks Management, might be destructive of natural values and would set a deplorable example for Parks administrators in the developing countries of the world;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Society of Mammalogists at its 45th annual meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 23 June 1965, requests the Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Canada, to reconsider his decision to allow the intrusion of the 1972 Winter Olympic Games into Banff National Park, Alberta. Carried Unanimously