Unnamed Resolution on Conservation of African Wildlife

WHEREAS, Public manifestations of deep and active interest in conservation of African wildlife have recently been made by officials of some of the newly organized nations of Africa; and

WHEREAS, Official statements of great sincerity in this regard have been issued by the Government of Tanganyika, in the Arusha Manifesto of September, 1961, and by the Government of Kenya in its pronouncement on Conservation of Natural Resources of 18 September 1963; and

WHEREAS, recognition of the world-wide importance of conservation of African wildlife and of the need for world-wide cooperation to that end by all nations, scientists and lovers of nature is expressed in these pronouncements;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the American Society of Mammalogists aligns itself with others in the promotion of these most worthy objectives; and commends the governments of Tanganyika and Kenya for their far-sighted and realistic approach to these critical biological problems; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to: His Honor, Jomo Kenyatta, Prime Minister of Kenya; His Honor, J. K. Nyerere, Prime Minister of Tanganyika; Dr. Francois Bourliere, President, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland; and Mr. E. H. Risley, Executive Officer, East African Wildlife Society, Kenya.