Unnamed Resolution on Legislation Preventing Importation of Endangered Species

WHEREAS, a certain number of species of mammals have been listed in the IUCN Red Data Book as endangered; and

WHEREAS, laws presently in effect do not afford adequate protection for endangered species, either imported into or native to the United States; and

WHEREAS, the United States is believed to import more wild mammals than any other country; and

WHEREAS, H. R. 6138 introduced on February 27, 1967, by Congressman John R. Dingell gives recognition to the need for further tightening of United States importation laws, with respect to wildlife, and of laws governing interstate transportation of all wildlife;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Society of Mammalogists recommends the passage of any legislation that prevents the importation of endangered species of fish or wildlife into the United States and prevents the interstate shipment of reptiles, amphibians, and other wildlife taken contrary to State law; except for the importation of any species or subspecies of fish or wildlife, or parts thereof, for zoological, educational, and scientific purposes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Secretary of the Interior and the Director of the U. S. Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife.